Contact & Directions
We'd love to hear from you. Your questions & concerns are of the utmost importance to our success. Please use the form to the right to request additional information about our course, services, and promotions, and feel free to let us know how we're doing in our efforts to provide the best possible experience for you and your guests.
Bristow Manor Golf Club
11507 Valley View Drive
Bristow, VA 20136
Tel: (703) 368-3558
Please click on a contact below for more info and an email contact form:
Name | Position | Phone |
Bristow Manor Pro Shop | Call Us! | (703) 368-3558 x101 |
Bristow Manor Pub | Call Us! | (703) 368-3558 x105 |
Gene Orrico, PGA | General Manager | (703) 368-3558 x103 |
Stephen Barrett, GCSA | Golf Course Superintendent | (703) 368-3558 |
Corey Edwards | Tournament Director | (703) 368-3558 x103 |
William Hoad | PGA Associate / Tournament Coordinator | (703) 368-3558 |
Kevin Anderson | Director of Golf Instruction | (703) 967-7235 |